Professor of Medical and Health Sciences. Psychologist and cognitive-behavioural therapist. Head of the Nutritional Psychology Unit, Eating Behavior Laboratory (EAT Lab) and Postgraduate studies in Psychodietetics at the Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Poland. Member of the Committee on Nutrition for Adults and Older Adults of the Committee on Human Nutrition Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
She completed a Master of Cultural Studies (2001) and a Master of Psychology (2002) at the University of Silesia, Poland. She has been selected as the French Government Scholarship laureate (Cotutelle) and she earned her doctoral degree (PhD in Psychology) at Paul Verlaine University – Metz, France (2005).
Prof. Anna Brytek-Matera has been awarded the “START” scholarship for young scientists by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), a scholarship by Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) for research project at University of Bordeaux, the Bekker Programme by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange for research project at Western Sydney University as well as the Walczak Programme by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange for research project at University of Tokyo. She has been invited to deliver guest lectures at several international universities, including Paul Verlaine University – Metz, University of Nantes, University of Bordeaux, University of Pavia, University of Padova, University of West London, Western Sydney University, University of Tokyo and Stanford University. She has held research visits at KU Leuven, University of Lausanne, University of Sapienza, Luxembourg Institute of Health. She has held visiting fellowships and positions at Western Sydney University (visiting professor, 2022) and University of Bordeaux (visiting researcher, 2021) and currently at The University of Tokyo (visiting researcher, 2024).
Prof. Anna Brytek-Matera is the author of over 160 scholarly publications in the field of orthorexia nervosa, eating disorders, obesity and eating behaviour, including nine books (e.g., Orthorexia Nervosa: current understanding and perspectives, Cambridge University Press, 2024; Eating Disorders, 2021; Psychodietetics, 2020). She is a member of the Editorial Board for Eating and Weight Disorders, a member of the Reviewer Board for Nutrients. Her research has earned her a place in the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists (World’s TOP 2% Scientists; single year impact in 2021, 2022 and 2023).
She is experienced in the therapeutic work with patients with eating disorders and their families. She finished a specialised, four-year training in the cognitive-behavioural therapy of adult disorders in the Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Centre (CTPB) in Warsaw in cooperation with Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre (OCTC).