Brytek-Matera A., Czubak-Paluch K., Razmus M. (2024). Appearance-related self-conscious emotions and self-esteem in healthy adult women. The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2024). Tokyo, Japan.
Brytek-Matera A. (2023). Nieprawidłowe zachowania żywieniowe kobiet: perspektywa psychologiczna. III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Polskiego Towarzystwa Nauk Żywieniowych z cyklu „Dylematy Nauki o Żywieniu Człowieka – Dziś i Jutro” pt. „Żywienie a zdrowie kobiet”. Wykład na zaproszenie Polskiego Towarzystwa Nauk Żywieniowych oraz Katedry Żywienia Człowieka i Dietetyki Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu.
Brytek-Matera A., Charzyńska E., Atroszko P. (2023). Food addiction among young adult women and men: prevalence, potential risk factors and consequences. The 8th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA 2023). Incheon, South Korea.
Mróz M., Czub M., Brytek-Matera A. (2023). The impact of eating behavior and emotional state on the severity of irritable bowel syndrome. The 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society “Health Psychology for all: Equity, Inclusiveness and Transformation”. Bremen, Germany.
Brytek-Matera A., O’Leary D., Jagielski P., Mróz M., Szubert J., Gross J.J. (2022). Dietary intake and emotional eating in healthy women: results from the 14-day food diaries in a real-life context. The International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2022 (InPACT 2022). Madeira, Portugal.
Brytek-Matera A., Mróz M., Jagielski P., Sitarska J., Gross J.J. (2022). Dietary restriction in normal weight-individuals: using a web-based 24-hour dietary recall during 2 weeks. The 22nd International Congress of Nutrition (ICN) “The power of nutrition: for the smiles of 10 billion people”. Tokyo, Japan.
Mróz M., Brytek-Matera A. (2022). Assessment of physical activity level in young adults with eating disorder risk: a cross-sectional study in a non-clinical sample. The 30th European Congress of Psychiatry “Linking clinical practice and research for better mental health care in Europe” (Virtual EPA2022).
Mróz M., Czub M., Brytek-Matera A. (2022). Heart rate variability as a measure of effectiveness of non-pharmacological treatments for irritable bowel syndrome: a review of literature. The 17th European Congress of Psychology “Psychology as the Hub Science: opportunities and responsibility”. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Mróz M., Werner K., Szubert J., Gross J.J., Brytek-Matera A. (2022). Anxiety, impulsivity, and unhealthy eating among adult women. The 17th European Congress of Psychology “Psychology as the Hub Science: opportunities and responsibility”. Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pardini S., Szubert J., Novara C., Brytek-Matera A. (2022). Higher levels of concern about dieting and moderate-intensity physical activity predict orthorexia nervosa among young adults. The 30th European Congress of Psychiatry “Linking clinical practice and research for better mental health care in Europe” (Virtual EPA2022).
Bronowicka P., Waliłko J., Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Connection between psychological and behavioral features of orthorexia nervosa and excess body weight. The International Conference on Eating Disorders “Cultivating inclusivity & diversity across research & practice” (Virtual ICED 2021).
Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Emotion dysregulation and its connection with abnormal eating pattern: pathways from negative emotions to weight status. The 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry (Virtual Congress).
Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Dietary patterns and orthorexia nervosa: an evidence-based literature review. The 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry (Virtual Congress).
Brytek-Matera A. (2021). The effects of physical activity on emotion regulation and eating behaviours. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP) “Psychology in the 21st century: open minds, societies and world (Virtual Congress).
Brytek-Matera A., Bronowicka P., Waliłko J. (2021). Restraint theory: significance of rumination. The 29th European Congress of Psychiatry “Personalising and integrating mental health care in the digital area” (Virtual Congress).
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor-Bernat K. (2021). Potential predictors of BMI among children and adolescents: a preliminary comparative study. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP) “Psychology in the 21st century: open minds, societies and world” (Virtual Congress).
Charzyńska E., Atroszko P., Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Not everyone is the same: latent profile analysis of food addiction, personality traits and loneliness among young adults. The 29th European Congress of Psychiatry “Personalising and integrating mental health care in the digital area” (Virtual Congress).
Czepczor-Bernat K., Matusik P., Brytek-Matera A. (2021). The role of restrained and uncontrolled eating in children’s concerns about weight and shape and quality of life. Prague, Czech Republic. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP) “Psychology in the 21st century: open minds, societies and world” (Virtual Congress).
Fares K., Hallit S., Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Social anxiety disorder and its factors among Lebanese non-clinical adults: the role of depression, alexithymia and work fatigue. The 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry (Virtual Congress).
Mróz M., Czub M., Piskorz J., Kowal M., Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Effect of slow diaphragmatic breathing on anxiety in young women. The 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry (Virtual Congress).
O’Leary D., Brytek-Matera A., Gross J. (2021). Negative affect, affect regulation, and food choice: a value-based decision-making analysis. The 29th European Congress of Psychiatry “Personalising and integrating mental health care in the digital area” (Virtual Congress).
Plasonja N., Dubourdeaux M., Brytek-Matera A., Décamps G. (2021). Validation d’une échelle d’auto-efficacité alimentaire en français. Le 11ème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé (AFPSA) “Le patient et son encourage: quelles interactions?” (Virtual Congress).
Waliłko J., Bronowicka P., Brytek-Matera A. (2021). Mediating role of lack of familiarity with one’s own body in emotional eating-interoceptive awareness relationship among patients with bulimia nervosa. The International Conference on Eating Disorders “Cultivating inclusivity & diversity across research & practice” (Virtual ICED 2021).
Brytek-Matera A. (2020). The effect of negative emotions on food intake and maladaptive eating behaviour: a literature review. Tokyo, Japan. The 10th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences.
Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A. (2020). Food-related behaviours and nutritional status: a parent-child dyad approach. Tokyo, Japan. The 10th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences.
Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A. (2020). The impact of maladaptive eating behaviours on body mass index, body dissatisfaction and quality of life in children: a structural equation modeling approach. Tokyo, Japan. The 10th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences.
Brytek-Matera A. (2019). Which factors predict orthorexia nervosa in women? Results from two independent studies. Moscow, Russia. XVI European Congress of Psychology “Psychology: creating the future together”.
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor-Bernat K. (2019). Impact of objectively measured physical activity and body composition on eating behaviours in young adults. Moscow, Russia. XVI European Congress of Psychology “Psychology: creating the future together”.
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor-Bernat K., Modrzejewska A. (2019). Physical activity-related predictors of maladaptive eating behaviours: a preliminary experimental study using eHealth technology. Dubrovnik, Croatia. The 33rd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS 2019): “Individuals and Professionals. Cooperation to Health”.
Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A. (2019). Emotional functioning, eating behaviours and body image: e-mental health intervention among women with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2. Dubrovnik, Croatia. The 33rd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS 2019): “Individuals and Professionals. Cooperation to Health”.
Czepczor-Bernat K., Modrzejewska A., Brytek-Matera A. (2019). Potential predictors of physical activity in young adults: a preliminary accelerometer-based study. Dubrovnik, Croatia. The 33rd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS 2019): “Individuals and Professionals. Cooperation to Health”.
Czepczor-Bernat K., Kołodziejczyk N., Brytek-Matera A. (2019). Verification of the Marks’ Homeostatic Theory of Obesity: a pilot study among child-parent dyads. New York, United States of America. The International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED 2019) “Start Spreading the News. Education, Dissemination & the Science of Eating Disorders”.
Gattino S., Rollero C., Boza M., Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A., Lemoine J.E., Reza S.N., Wilson E. (2019). Fattori protettivi e di rischio del processo di auto-oggettivazione: una ricerca cross-culturale [Protective and risk factors of the self-objectification process: a cross-cultural research]. Rome, Italy. XVI Convegno Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia.
Mandecka N., Cierpiał M., Brytek-Matera A. (2019). What psychology students know about eating disorders? A pre- and post-test preliminary study on knowledge of eating disorders and eating- and weight-related problems. Alpbach, Austria. The 27th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Modrzejewska A., Brytek-Matera A. (2019). Interoception, body weight dissatisfaction and avoidance behaviours: are patients with anorexia nervosa different from each other? Alpbach, Austria. The 27th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2018). The link between orthorexia nervosa and abnormal eating and body image attitudes and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Rome, Italy. XI Congresso Nazionale SISDCA “Ricerca, pratica clinica, relazioni internazionali: nuove frontiere nel trattamento dei disturbi dell’alimentazione e dell’obesità”.
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor-Bernat K., Jurzak H., Napieralski P., Kornacka M. (2018). Assessment of repetitive negative thinking and eating behaviours among women and men on vegetarian diets: a mobile technology based Ecological Momentary Assessment study. Montréal, Canada. The 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology “Psychology: Connecting Science to Solutions” (ICAP 2018).
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor-Bernat K., Kornacka M. (2018). Rumination and eating styles in patients with overweight: a preliminary ecological momentary assessment study. Chicago, United States of America. The International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED 2018) “Innovation. Expanding our Community & Perspectives”.
Brytek-Matera A., Jurzak H., Czepczor-Bernat K., Napieralski P., Kornacka M. (2018). Do perseverative thinking and extreme focus on healthy eating change after induction of food-related pictures in vegetarians? The results of a pilot study. Montréal, Canada. The 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology “Psychology: Connecting Science to Solutions” (ICAP 2018).
Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A. (2018). The assessment of eating behavior and body image among people with excessive and normal body weight: direct, indirect and buffer effect and model of moderated mediation. Chicago, United States of America. The International Conference on Eating Disorders (ICED 2018) “Innovation. Expanding our Community & Perspectives”.
Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A. (2018). The REMEBI complex psychological intervention among individuals with excessive body weight: a longitudinal study. Montréal, Canada. The 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology “Psychology: Connecting Science to Solutions” (ICAP 2018).
Czepczor-Bernat K., Kołodziejczyk N., Brytek-Matera A. (2018). The role of body image experiences in the treatment of overweight and obesity: the REMEBI complex psychological intervention. Alpbach, Austria. The 26th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Kołodziejczyk N., Czepczor-Bernat K., Brytek-Matera A. (2018). Analysis of relationships between orthorexia features and eating behaviors and body image- related distress in overweight and obese people. Wien, Austria. The 25th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2018).
Brytek-Matera A. (2017). Does emotional eating mediate the relationship between body image-related distress and orthorexic behaviours in overweight/obese women? Rome, Italy. X Congresso Nazionale SISDCA “La Competenza Clinica nella Cura dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e dell’Obesità”.
Brytek-Matera A. (2017). The mediating effect of abnormal eating habits on the relationship between overweight preoccupation and orthorexic behaviours in patients with eating disorders. The 13th London International Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A., Barthels F., Bratman S., Cuzzolaro M., Depa J., Dunn T.M., Missbach B., Setnick J., Varga M., Cena H., Segura-Garcia C., Donini L.M. (2017). The Orthorexia Nervosa Task Force (ON-TF): Objectives and Key Strategies. Rome, Italy. X Congresso Nazionale SISDCA “La Competenza Clinica nella Cura dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare e dell’Obesità”.
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor K. (2017). Mediation analysis of the relationship between body image quality of life and negative emotions in a sample of adults with obesity. The 13th London International Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor K. (2017). Relation among emotional eating, chocolate craving and orthorexic behaviours in underweight, overweight and obese adults: a preliminary study. Porto, Portugal. The 24th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2017).
Czepczor K., Brytek-Matera A. (2017). Eating style, body image avoidance behaviours and obesity: analysis of mediation and moderation. Barcelona, Spain. The World Congress on Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Source.
Czepczor K., Brytek-Matera A. (2017). Restrained eating, guilt and food and weight preoccupation: analysis of mediation and moderation in a sample of obese, overweight and normal weight adults. Porto, Portugal. The 24th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2017).
Kornacka M, Czepczor K., Brytek-Matera A. (2017). “When I eat I stop thinking”. Repetitive negative thinking, emotional eating and inhibition in obese patients’ everyday life. Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania. The 9th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy.
Brytek-Matera A., Cena H., Fonte M.L., Donini L.M., Poggiogalle E. (2016). Co-occurrence of orthorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, disordered eating patterns and body uneasiness: the mediating role of gender and Body Mass Index. Yokohama, Japan. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016).
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor K., Rogoza R. (2016). Mediation analysis of the relationship between food styles, attitudes to chocolate, orthorexia nervosa and food and weight preoccupation in a sample of overweight/obese and normal weight adults. Alpbach, Austria. The 24th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A., Rogoza R., Gramaglia C., Zeppegno P. (2016). Latent classes and predictors of orthorexic behaviours among eating disorder patients. Yokohama, Japan. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016).
Czepczor K., Brytek-Matera A. (2016). The cognitive and emotional dimensions of body image among obese adults. Alpbach, Austria. The 24th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2015). Thinness, body size perception and attitudinal body image in outpatients with eating disorders. The 12th International London Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A., Czepczor K., Kościcka K. (2015). If I were thin, I would be look like in the magazine! – sociocultural attitudes towards appearance and body dissatisfaction among women and men without eating disorders. Alpbach, Austria. The 23rd International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A., Zgrzywa R. (2015). Assessment of loneliness and eating disordered patients’ perception of family relationships: an exploratory study. The 12th International London Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A., Bobrska E., Czepczor K., Kościcka K. (2014). Food, weight-related issues and knowledge about eating disorder psychopathology in late adolescence: a preliminary study. Lisbon, Portugal. International Conference: “Food, Children and Youth: What’s Eating?”
Brytek-Matera A., Rogoza R. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire for the Polish population. Alpbach, Austria. The 22nd International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Czepczor K., Kościcka K., Bobrska E., Brytek-Matera A. (2014). Changing eating habits among Polish children: causes and consequences. Lisbon, Portugal. International Conference: “Food, Children and Youth: What’s Eating?”
Rogoza R., Brytek-Matera A. (2014). The structure of a measure of body image disturbance in adults from Poland. Alpbach, Austria. The 22nd International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2013). Does orthorexia nervosa behaviour occur in outpatients with eating disorders? Alpbach, Austria. The 21st International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2013). Evaluation of physical appearance, body image disturbance and interoceptive awareness among Polish older adolescents and young adults with eating disorders. Lausanne, Switzerland. The 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology.
Brytek-Matera A. (2013). Le corps perdu? La prise en charge auprès des patients ayant une image corporelle déformée. Symposium international „De l’intervention préventive à l’intervention thérapeutique des troubles du comportement alimentaire : un portrait concret au Québec et en Europe”. Trois-Rivières, Canada. Wykład na zaproszenie Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
Brytek-Matera A. (2013). Body image psychopathology and eating disorders: the association between body weight dissatisfaction, body image avoidance and distorted body experience in outpatients underestimating or overestimating their current body size. The 11th London International Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A. (2013). The influence of the psychoeducational approach on non-clinical women’s and men’s knowledge about the risks and maintaining factors of eating disorders: a Polish pilot study. The 11th London International Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A., Krupa M., Poggiogalle E., Donini L.M. (2013). Orthorexia nervosa in Poland: a population-based validation study. Alpbach, Austria. The 21st International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Dacko M., Brytek-Matera A. (2013). The relationship between attachment styles and personality disorders in young adult couples. Lausanne, Switzerland. The 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology.
Brytek-Matera A. (2012). Interoceptive awareness, body size estimation and emotional eating among women with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Alpbach, Austria. The 20th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2012). Psychological characteristics in adolescent male with anorexia nervosa: a series of two outpatients. Alpbach, Austria. The 20th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2011). Body image self-discrepancy and attitude towards one’s body in patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Alpbach, Austria. The 19th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2011). The role of perfectionism in eating disorders and its connection with body image and self-esteem. Alpbach, Austria. The 19th International Conference on Eating Disorders.
Brytek-Matera A. (2011). Assessment of stress-coping behaviours in Polish patients with eating disorders. The 10th London International Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A. (2011). Influence of stress coping style on distorted body experience in women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. The 10th London International Eating Disorders Conference.
Brytek-Matera A. (2009). La représentation d’image de soi chez les personnes souffrant de troubles alimentaires – l’insatisfaction à l’égard du corps. International Scientific Conference. The Fourth Statistical Days at the University of Luxembourg.
Schiltz L., Brytek-Matera A., Maugendre M. (2009). L’influence de la musique sur l’expression picturale d’adolescentes. Une étude comparative entre différents styles de musique. International Scientific Conference. The Fourth Statistical Days at the University of Luxembourg.
Brytek-Matera A. (2008). The role of self-discrepancy in eating disordered women’s body image. Berlin, Germany. The XXIX International Congress of Psychology.
Brytek-Matera A. (2008). Subjective body experience and attitude toward one’s body in patients with eating disorder. Berlin, Germany. The XXIX International Congress of Psychology.
Brytek-Matera A., Spitz E., Bąk-Sosnowska M., Kocełak P., Zahorska-Markiewicz B. (2008). Mood and anxiety symptoms and personal life goals among obese women: a cross-cultural study. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. The 1st Central European Congress on Obesity: „From Nutrition to Metabolic Syndrome”.
Bąk-Sosnowska M., Żak-Gołąb A., Brytek-Matera A., Kocełak P., Holecki M., Zahorska-Markiewicz B. (2008). Relationship between body weight, age, body image and disorders associated with eating behaviours in women with overweight. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. The 1st Central European Congress on Obesity: „From Nutrition to Metabolic Syndrome”.
Żak-Gołąb A., Zahorska-Markiewicz B., Buliński A., Cybulska D., Bąk-Sosnowska M., Tomalski R., Kocełak P., Holecki M., Brytek-Matera A. (2008). The connection between binge eating, alexithymia and body image perception in obese women. Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. The 1st Central European Congress on Obesity: „From Nutrition to Metabolic Syndrome”.
Brytek-Matera A. (2007). Wizerunek kobiecego ciała w kontekście zaburzeń odżywiania. Ustroń. IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Kryzysy, katastrofy, kataklizmy w perspektywie zjawisk współczesnej cywilizacji”.
Brytek A. (2007). Body dissatisfaction among anorexic and bulimic patients. Prague, Czech Republic. The 10th European Congress of Psychology: „Mapping of psychological knowledge for society”.
Brytek A. (2007). Profil de rique des troubles du comportement alimentaire et de l’obésité dans deux pays européens: la Pologne et la France. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Conférence Internationale: „Stratégies de recherche pour groupes restreints et données de niveau non métrique”.
Brytek A. (2007). Znaczenie niezadowolenia z własnego ciała w jadłowstręcie i bulimii psychicznej. Opole. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość życia współczesnego człowieka – wartości cywilizacji zachodniej: możliwości rozwoju i ograniczenia”.
Brytek A. (2007). Stres w bulimii psychicznej – konfrontacja czy unikanie problemu? Opole. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość życia współczesnego człowieka – wartości cywilizacji zachodniej: możliwości rozwoju i ograniczenia”.
Brytek-Matera A., Izydorczyk B. (2007). Kryzys rodziny w obliczu choroby. Psychologiczny profil rodzin dotkniętych problemem jadłowstrętu psychicznego. Ustroń. IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Kryzysy, katastrofy, kataklizmy w perspektywie zjawisk współczesnej cywilizacji”.
Brytek A., Schiltz L. (2007). Etude comparée multidimensionnelle de personnes présentant des troubles des conduites alimentaires. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Conférence Internationale: „Stratégies de recherche pour groupes restreints et données de niveau non métrique”.
Brytek A., Spitz E. (2007). A cross-cultural study of the relationship between depression, anxiety symptoms and anorexia nervosa. Prague, Czech Republic. The 10th European Congress of Psychology: „Mapping of psychological knowledge for society”.
Brytek A., Spitz E. (2007). Le rôle de la minceur chez les patientes présentant des troubles alimentaires. Toulouse, France. 4ème Congrès International de Psychologie de la Santé de Langue Française: „Psychologie, santé et ouverture”.
Hess A., Brytek A. (2007). Ocena osobistych celów życiowych u pacjentek z jadłowstrętem psychicznym. Opole. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Jakość życia współczesnego człowieka – wartości cywilizacji zachodniej: możliwości rozwoju i ograniczenia”.
Brytek A. (2006). Coping strategies, self-esteem and anger in French patients with anorexia nervosa. Warsaw, Poland. The 20th Annual Conference of the European Heath Psychology Society: „Social change and new challenges for health psychology”.
Brytek A. (2006). Coping strategies and locus of control in Polish and French students. Warsaw, Poland. The 20th Annual Conference of the European Heath Psychology Society: „Social change and new challenges for health psychology”.
Brytek A. (2006). Zagrożenie życia? Mechanizm błędnego koła w bulimii psychicznej. Ustroń. III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Kryzysy, katastrofy, kataklizmy w kontekście narastania zagrożeń”.
Brytek A., Izydorczyk B. (2006). Doświadczanie kryzysu emocjonalnego przez pacjentki z zaburzeniami odżywiania się. Ustroń. III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Kryzysy, katastrofy, kataklizmy w kontekście narastania zagrożeń”.
Brytek A. (2005). Zjawisko mobbingu w odniesieniu do zdrowia psychicznego jednostki. Zakopane. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Między zdrowiem a chorobą. Konteksty społeczne i psychologiczne”.
Brytek A., Spitz, E., Vaillant, M. (2005). Zagrożenie zdrowia publicznego i psychicznego: pandemia otyłości. Problem otyłości w Europie. Zakopane. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa: „Między zdrowiem a chorobą. Konteksty społeczne i psychologiczne”.
Brytek A., Spitz, E., Vaillant, M. (2005). Stratégies de coping et estime de soi chez les personnes obèses. Aix-en-Provence, France. 3ème Congrès International de Psychologie de la Santé de Langue Française: „Psychologie, santé et société”.
Brytek A. (2004). Mobbing: la violence mentale dans l’environnement de travail. Nancy, Metz, France; Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg. Congrès international: „Hommes & organisations: la santé au cœur des enjeux de l’entreprise”.
Brytek A., Serein A-L., Spitz E. (2003). Evaluation des troubles affectifs chez le patient obèse. Metz, France. 2ème Congrès International de Psychologie de la Santé de Langue Française: „Théories et modes d’interventions”.